So our company, Beta-Trans Plus, was selected as one of the most financially stable companies. Based on this, our business belongs to 0.63% of Hungarian companies who are financially the strongest, i.e. have some kind of Bisnode Certification.
It is a great honour for our company to be among the best on Bisnode's objective corporate qualification. We pay close attention to the fairness of the market, so it is important for us that an external expert has confirmed that our company's insolvency probability is extremely low. We believe that through the Bisnode Certification, we will continue to increase our trust towards our customers, suppliers and employees, which is increasingly important in long-term, stable business relationships. With the fact that Bisnode as an independent expert has acknowledged the stability of our firm, it gives us the message that we are on the right track to build our company. Since our business is rated strictly on a professional basis to which we cannot apply, so the Bisnode certificate really positively differentiates our company on the market.
Beta-Trans Plusz received the Bisnode AAA (triple A) certificate, which is only owned by 0.63% of companies in Hungary, and indicates that the financial risk of establishing a business relationship with us is extremely low.
Bisnode certification is based on the Bisnode rating, which certifies the companies since 1908 on the basis of their reliability. The Bisnode Certification with AAA, AA and A sign shows the status of the companies and the fact that the business with such a sign, i.e. Bisnode, is financially stable. The AAA company qualification was introduced in 1989 and companies have been allowed since 1996 to show their business reliability as a certificate. The certificate provides the right companies with the opportunity to show others that their company is a recognized, trustworthy, creditworthy company. The Bisnode certificate is used in many European countries and is considered a standard in Scandinavian countries for business.
Bisnode certification is based on data from a number of official sources, such as data from the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, the entries of the Companies Register, the data from the National Tax Authority and other authorities. In addition to official sources, it includes financial information about the company, such as balance sheet data, profit and loss statement and trends. Rating takes into account the demographic data of the company or organization, that is, the age, activity, size, ownership, and relationships of the company. From the Bisnode payment experience program data, it incorporates in the rating that the given business will balance its bills with time or delay, i.e. the kind of payment discipline. In addition to the above, many other collected information will be added to the Bisnode certification, such as execution data or press releases.
Since the Bisnode rating not only shows the current financial stability of our company, but also because of the design of the Bisnode certification, it is likely that our business will become insolvent in the next year, we can proudly say that Beta-Trans Plus will remain a stable player in the future.
Our reliability is also proven in finances, not just in shipping.
Beta-Trans Plusz received the Bisnode AAA (triple A) certificate, which is only owned by 0.63% of companies in Hungary, and indicates that the financial risk of establishing a business relationship with us is extremely low.
Bisnode certification is based on the Bisnode rating, which certifies the companies since 1908 on the basis of their reliability. The Bisnode Certification with AAA, AA and A sign shows the status of the companies and the fact that the business with such a sign, i.e. Bisnode, is financially stable. The AAA company qualification was introduced in 1989 and companies have been allowed since 1996 to show their business reliability as a certificate. The certificate provides the right companies with the opportunity to show others that their company is a recognized, trustworthy, creditworthy company. The Bisnode certificate is used in many European countries and is considered a standard in Scandinavian countries for business.
Bisnode certification is based on data from a number of official sources, such as data from the Ministry of Justice and Law Enforcement, the entries of the Companies Register, the data from the National Tax Authority and other authorities. In addition to official sources, it includes financial information about the company, such as balance sheet data, profit and loss statement and trends. Rating takes into account the demographic data of the company or organization, that is, the age, activity, size, ownership, and relationships of the company. From the Bisnode payment experience program data, it incorporates in the rating that the given business will balance its bills with time or delay, i.e. the kind of payment discipline. In addition to the above, many other collected information will be added to the Bisnode certification, such as execution data or press releases.
Since the Bisnode rating not only shows the current financial stability of our company, but also because of the design of the Bisnode certification, it is likely that our business will become insolvent in the next year, we can proudly say that Beta-Trans Plus will remain a stable player in the future.
Our reliability is also proven in finances, not just in shipping.